
delivery bus

Qurbani is a special occasion for Muslims to observe the tradition of Prophet Ibrahim. Muslims all over the world sacrifice animals - a goat, sheep, cow, or camel- to seek the pleasure of God. We take this opportunity to remember the poor and needy. We deliver portions of meat to those who rarely have the opportunity to eat meat.
Thanks to your support, TKCO has been able to distribute Qurbani meat in six provinces (Kabul, Balkh, Herat, Samangan, Jawzjan, Faryab) and many more districts. With our dedicated staff and volunteers, we reached around 3000 people, many of whom only ever taste meat after a long time. Due to four decades of devastating conflict, economic meltdown, and soaring prices, communities in Afghanistan are going through a hard time. Your generous donation eases the suffering of some of the poorest families in Afghanistan!